1809 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703
Golden Key Piano school
Berkeley CA
- Address
- Business Hours (in Person)
Mon-Fri: 2pm – 7pm
Sat: 10am – 4pm - Online Lessons
flexible hours by appointment
Dear Golden Key Community,
Our virtual recital is two weeks away. You can start submitting your performance videos starting Sunday December 13. Last day for submitting the video is December 23rd.
How to record your video:
Here is a good example of a recording from our last virtual recital:
Jadon playing Six Variations by Beethoven
How to submit your videos:
We are looking forward to seeing the result of your hard work and we are sure your friends and family will be delighted to see you on our YouTube channel too.
Music is a great gift to give to your loved ones. With our online lessons now you can give the gift of Golden Key Piano School lessons to any family member or friend anywhere in the world. We have a special 20 percent discounted rate for gift certificates in the month of December.
We offer beautifully designed Gift Certificates for New Year with space for your personal note. The certificates are available electronically or can be mailed to you as a hard copy.
Simply reply to this email with the number of lessons you wish to give as a gift and we will help you through the rest of your purchase.
For me, 2020 was a year to learn to appreciate what I have and to, once again, notice that I have a lot to be grateful for. We all have a lot to be grateful for.
I am looking forward to 2021 when I can walk to school and see your beautiful faces again, hug my students and compliment the teachers in the breakroom, and most importantly to see my father at work every single day. But for now I am grateful that we are all healthy, we have clean air to breath, we have roofs above our heads and we have the luxury to make music and share it with each other.
I am proud of all of our students for they stayed resilient through this year and grew a lot in many different ways including in their music skills.
I wish you all Happy Holidays and a wonderful year ahead.
— Katrin Arefy
If you have any questions please call the school at (510) 665-5466 or reply to this email.
Yours truly,
Katrin Arefy
Katrin Arefy, Head Teacher
1809 University Ave., Berkeley, CA
“… there is an invisible thread between teacher and student…”
— U. Galperina